
City Partner Rules and Benifits

Updated Date: 19/05/2024

City Partner Rules and Benifits

Becoming a City Partner with Partners - A Path to Leadership

As a City Partner with Partners, you play a pivotal role in your local area. Here's how it works:

Gather Your Documents:

To start your journey as a City Partner, you'll need a few essential documents: - National Identification Number (NID) - Passport Size Photo - Trade Licences Make sure you have these documents ready before moving forward.

Registration Process:

Once you have your documents in order, it's time to register as a City Partner. During the registration process, you will provide your personal details and the necessary documents.

Access Your City Partner User Panel:

Upon successful registration, you will receive access to your very own "City Partner User Panel." This panel is your gateway to a range of tools and resources that will empower you on your journey.

Your Observing Role:

You'll have the important task of observing and monitoring every Executive Partner operating in your area. Your insights and guidance will help nurture their growth and success.

Guidance and Support:

You'll be under the supervision of the City Area Manager of PARTNERS. They will provide you with guidance, support, training and mentorship to excel in your role.

Monthly Meetings:

Regular communication is key. You're required to organize monthly meetings, bringing together all the Executive Partners under your local area. This fosters collaboration, sharing of ideas, and ensures everyone is on the same page.

Registered Agreement:

Receive a registered City Partner Agreement with a stamp worth 300 TK, providing legal validity and recognition.

Access to Facilities:

As a City Partner, you'll receive access to a range of facilities and resources provided by PARTNERS to help you effectively manage your responsibilities.

Earn Commissions:

Your efforts will be rewarded through commissions based on City Partner Policy and Agreement. Your success is closely linked to the success of the Executive Partners in your area.

Get Advertisement Related Facilities:

Collect advertisements from your area and provide them to PARTNERS’s representative for publication on the website with your Advertisement User ID. You'll earn a share on all ads from your Advertisement Dashboard as per PARTNERS policy.

Growth with PARTNERS- Social Media:

By using the PARTNER social media, City Partners can establish connections with other City Partners and Executive Partners, that will help to collaboration and networking opportunities. City Partners can also use this social media to reach growth in five industries, helping their business grow and diversify.

Becoming a City Partner is not just a role; it's a leadership opportunity. Your contribution to Partner's growth and success is highly valued, and we're here to support you every step of the way to your future growth and success.